
Foreign Adoptions

US Immigration Visas, Green Card/Permanent Residency, and Immediate Relative Status for Foreign Adoptions; Relatives and Orphans  

Over the past few years, the adoption of children born abroad by U.S. citizens has increased significantly. There are many steps in this process, and those looking to adopt should first make sure that the country they want to adopt from allows adoption by foreign nationals. Also, for those children that will be adopted abroad, the prospective parents must follow that countries adoption policies and procedures. The U.S. Department of State has some general facts regarding the adoption policies of other countries.

There are two ways that adopted children can immigrate to the U.S. The first is to file an Application for Advance Processing of Orphan Petition, which can be filed before a child is chosen. However, if the child is already known, one can file the Petition to Classify an Orphan as an Immediate Relative after adopting or obtaining legal custody of the child. Note that the Petition to Classify an Orphan as an Immediate Relative must be submitted by everyone adopting abroad. 

Click here regarding information on how the child you adopt can become a citizen.
